"No you're not perfect, but you're not your mistakes."

My name is Jakobi Aman Bonner. I am a native of Syracuse, New York, and was raised in Orlando, Florida. I am currently an overseas professional basketball player. I am a graduate of Rollins College with a bachelor's degree in Political Science. I recently received my master's degree in Management & Marketing from the prestigious Durham University Business School in Durham, England.
I’ve created this blog, as a part of my growth journey -- to be more open as an individual and to be more self-aware about my emotional, mental, and spiritual development. Every day we strive to find and fulfill our respective purposes and ultimately become the best version of ourselves. Along this path, the many questions, struggles, and trials may wear us down, but there is strength in numbers. It doesn’t do us any good to keep our journeys hidden by fear of judgment from others. Let's be proud of the commitment to radical self-love and genuinely lift each other in times of need. My posts are going to be honest, and relevant; they are meant to be a direct reflection on personal events in my life while welcoming discussion to anyone who feels they may relate in any sort of way. I hope to find my voice through these posts and motivate others to become more curious, committed, and joyful in their life voyage, while also stimulating conversations and destigmatizing pertinent topics! Welcome to my Blog!